
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My 24 hour smart footprint


Task Description:
This task is about leaving a smart footprint.Today we did a 24 hour smart footprint. We went to our history and copyed all of the sites that we where on today.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

About me poster


Task Description:
For todays Task i did a poster about me. These things show stuff i am interrested in like godzilla and cartoons. Because i choose those is because they are cool.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Blog check


For this task we had to but a green colour in the bar if we had a header and a blog profile.The header is the sentences under your title of your blog and the blog profile is this
this is stuff about me.
and for the number is how many post's i did this year. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sailing animation


Task Description:
For this task my class did a animation of a boat and it is really cool to watch and we hacked the HTML to make it go faster.


Task Desscription:

For this task me class had to do a 15 minute writing challange on a new topic each time. The idea was to write a *what if* situation. LIke *What if* i had super powers or somegthing silly. For each story i did something cool and silly.